1st Post Baby Race Planning

I LOVE every second that I spend with my little Jellybean and I'm enjoying every second of it. I know that children grow up way too fast and one day I won't have these moments. I wish I could freeze time to where I could always cuddle with my babies and even though this is very true I can't help but miss running. Running is what helped me find myself again, it's what kept me sane it's what I love to do. So as the days go by I can't help but dream about my feet hitting the pavement and thus begins the planning of my 1st post baby race. I don't have my doctor's appointment until March 21st where I'm hoping to get the go to workout again and resume my normal fitness routine. I can than start training for what I'm hoping, no not hoping, for what I know will be my 1st post baby race. The Oakley Mini 10K. You all know this race holds a special place in my heart for so many reasons that you can read here and now I can add one more which is the one from last year. Last year I ran this race and I was pregnant with Valentina. I just didn't know it! :) That makes last year that much more special, now this year I get to run for both my Jellybeans, they make me want to be a better me, they are my inspiration and what keeps me going!

Yay, to running again!

Kary xoxo

1 comment

  1. You go Kary! Good luck on your mini 10K, I can't believe how Valentina is more than a month old now...time does fly take care my dear sister xoxo
