Our First Staycation

You guys as this post goes up. I am quickly packing up for our first staycation and it is seriously going to be the best.

If you remember my post about the TMNT secret lair (you can read more about it here) then you know that Miguel made me promise to stalk the TMNT Movie twitter account so I could try and book us a night at the lair. Well, this mommy delivered and after stalking them and refreshing like a mad woman. I was able to out of pure luck, book us a night for today Wednesday the 25th.
We will be grabbing our copy of TMNT and heading to the lair. There we will enjoy some pizza and some much needed family time in our little staycation. The only thing that really is missing for it to be absolutely perfect is my husband. He could not get off work and will not be going with us, in my opinion he is the one that needed it the most but so is life and in his own words "as long as his family is happy and having a good time, than he is happy working his butt off"
As we head off to todays adventure we will definitely miss my Humbe, my lobster.
But I will make sure that the kids have a memorable experience.

 Make sure to follow me on snapchat @RunChiquitaRun and our youtube channel www.youtube.com/afewmomentswitkary 
I will be snap chatting from the lair and there will be a vlog up later in the week.

Kary xoxo

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