Welcome 2017...

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 book.
Write a good one.

Ringing in the new year with those you love the most is definitely the best way to say goodbye to an old year and hello to the new year.

I'm blessed and lucky to have my parents by my side and together with my family we welcomed 2017.
It was sad to see 2016 go, because even though it had some very sad and hard moments, there were also good moments and beautiful memories were made.
2016 was the year that my paternal grandmother passed away, it was the year that I got to listen to her voice for one last time. It was also the year that my mother in laws cancer would come out of remission and end up spreading. It is the year that once again reminded me that as long as I have my family and faith by my side, I can handle anything (almost anything) that comes along. 2016 would also be the year in which I would break my first bone, I ended up breaking my toe, almost beginning of the year. That didn't end up helping my fitness and made me fall out of running.
I also became the mom of a teenager, my always baby turned 13 years old and officially started his last year of Junior High School. My daughter would also remind me how important it is to be cell phone free and social media free. Family time is important and above anything else.

But 2017 is here and that means that as I celebrate my one year of breaking my toe, I get to welcome running and learning to fall in love with it again. It's been a nice break but it really is time that this mommy runner went back to feeling the pavement under her feet.
It will be the year when my Miguel will go in to High School and the year that baby girl turns 3.
So far, it's promising to be a most amazing year. All I ask is to lose no more family members.

Fresh new haircut and a new hair color makes for a great way to welcoming a new year.
Change is always good :)

Happy New Year my loves and wishing you all nothing but the best this 2017.
Thank you for sticking around my corner of the internet and looking forward to sharing more this coming year.

Happy New Year!!

Kary xoxo

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