Things To Do NYC Edition - Bout Å Bout at The Duke

What a beautiful thing it is to be able to introduce your kids to the art of theater at such a young age. 
The Duke does just that. It offers special performances throughout the year that are perfect for younger kids, ranging in ages 2 and up. They've just started their last performance of the 2018-19 year, called Bout A Bout and we are here to tell you if it's a must see.

When Miguel was younger I always made sure to search the internet for things to do over the weekend, days off from school and especially during the Summer break. He grew up loving the arts, music and theater. I'm pretty sure that, that's what made him grow up with a special love and bond with music. There's something special about watching people perform on stage and do what they love. After Valentina was born, I knew that I'd have to make sure that she also grew up appreciating the arts, and she has. She loves to dance and sing, it doesn't matter where we are, she will start dancing and singing if she hears here favorite tune. 
Valentina has been to a few off broadway shows and always looks forward to them. 

This past Friday we got to go to The Duke and check out their last performance of 2018-19 called Bout Å Bout. We got to watch puppeteers do their magic and see them transform an ordinary little rope into a little hero who then goes on adventures. Valentina laughed and jumped a few times, there are a few moments when little kids will worry and might get scared, nothing to worry about because they will start laughing in a matter of seconds. I loved being reminded of how beautiful it is to be a child and let your imagination run wild. Before the show starts, the kids get to pick out a piece of rope (made out of crafts) that they will hold onto as they watch Bout Å Bout. Valentina would hold up her little piece of rope and loved being able to try and transform him into different shapes as she watched the performance. Half way through the performance I made her little rope into a duck and that was it. She  held her little duck and made sure not to lose him.

Bout Å Bout is recommended for kids ages 2-4, Vale is 5 and loved the show. So if you have kids ages 5 or even 6, I'm sure they will enjoy it.
We'd definitely watch Bout Å Bout again!
Make sure to catch a performance before it's over.
Last performance date Sunday June 9, 2019

Bout à Bout ​was created in direct collaboration with a preschool, and the ropes were part of the school’s play materials for the duration of the school year. Assisted by teachers who were particularly sensitive to contemporary art in all its forms, ​Le Clan des Songes​ shared ideas and research. They observed how a kid would use this material to play out different scenarios.

Make sure to follow #NewVictory on social media, that way you are in the loop on what fun performances will be playing soon.

What would you transform in ordinary rope into?

Kary xoxo

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. We were invited to attend a performance of Bout Å Bout as media. All words and opinions are our own.

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